Hello, Everybody!

On Saturday, January 14, 2023, I’ll serve as the “Author on the Porch” at Sundog Books in conjunction with the 30A Songrwriters Festival in Seaside, Florida. The venerable Sundog Books is located right next to Central Square Records. I’ll be there from at least 12-2. It’s going to be a blast!

Copies of my latest book Ghostland America as well as Insured Beyond The Grave, The Local Stranger, Insured Beyond The Grave Vol. 2 and The Road To Hell will be for sale. Also, over 20 postcards featuring Ghostland America photos will be for sale along with framed photographs.

I’m looking forward to meeting folks, selling books and listening to some music. The performers I especially look forward to hearing include: Steve Earle, Lyle Lovett, Rickie Lee Jones, Benmont Tench, Tom Rush, Chuck Prophet, James McMurtry, Ruthie Foster, Tinsley Ellis, Hayes Carll, Lilly Hiatt, Jim White, Amy LaVere (see our interview in Insured Beyond The Grave) & Will Sexton, Peter Holsapple & Chris Stamey, David Ryan Harris and others.

We’re also stoked to revisit the natural mystic surrounding Seaside and Grayton Beaches…

Make Plans! Further developments regarding this literary & musical hootenanny will be delivered in early 2023.

Sundog Books

30A Songwriters Festival

James Calemine IG

Central Square Records

James Calemine Books on Amazon

(Photo #1 courtesy of Sundog Books #2 by Jason Thrasher #3 by Elizabeth Josephine)