Neal Hutcheson’s documentary The Last One revolves around bootlegger Popcorn Sutton. It’s a compelling story. Originally from Maggie Valley, North Carolina, Sutton made his famous White Whiskey for decades in the Tennessee hills near his home in Parrottsville. In his day, he was an outlaw of the highest order. This documentary won a Southeast Emmy Award.

In 1999, Sutton published his autobiography Me and My Likker that serves as a guide to moonshine production. Popcorn maintained an old-school technique. The Last One was filmed in 2008. Sutton died on March 16, 2009. Some say he committed suicide to avoid a federal prison term that was to begin a few days later.

In 2010, Hank Williams Jr. announced a partnership with Sutton’s widow to distribute Sutton’s whiskey legally. They call it Popcorn Sutton’s Tennessee White Whiskey. The family recipe is used as well as Popcorn’s traditional methods.

The Last One documents the life of a true pioneer.