Hilliard, Florida. I’m sure the Pines Bar jumped in its day with an interesting batch of characters, and there’s probably someone around to still talk about it. Ever watch the documentary Vernon, Florida? Get my drift? In person, even abandoned, the place emits a dangerous vibe. Maybe they had dancing girls on Friday nights. Perhaps a band played behind chicken wire. You know squealing tires were heard around this joint during its heyday, punctuated by plenty of broken glass.

Excerpt from Ghostland America


Georgia Girl Drive-In

Murder at the Riverside Motel

On The Beach: Topanga Ranch Motel

Golden Isles Speedway

Georgia Tree Farm

Down Home General Store

1966 Chevelle

Old Car City

Three Truck Patina

R.E. Roller Grocery

The Magic Bus

Jekyll Island Amphitheater

Old Piano

(All photos by James Calemine)